PEN Centres are promotıng the works of İlkyaz wrıters around the world. For the thırd ıssue we are collaboratıng wıth PEN Belgium/Flanders.

In the ‘Writings’ section of our website, we will be introducing three young writers monthly. Aside from English, each month we will partner with one of over a 100 PEN Centre’s located in different countries around the world to have the pieces on our platform translated into their local language and shared. This, we hope, will create new audiences for our writers in the world arena and introduce them to a global network of the world’s literary figures.

In December we initiated this endeavour with Norwegian PEN’s lead. PEN Germany continued the very same role for the month of January. For February, PEN Belgium/Flanders is taking over the role of promoting our young writers abroad. We heartedly thank PEN Belgium/Flanders members, administrators and translator Hanneke van der Heijden for their diligent collaboration in making the voices of our young writers heard in their country.

To access the PEN Belgium/Flander’s website where İlkyaz is kindly promoted and February’s works are displayed click here.

For the respective translations of our authors published by İlkyaz & PEN Belgium/Flanders:

Nur Akpınar – Dürtü /Impulse/ Impuls

Sinan Onur – Aralık ve Dem / November and Breath /December En Een Diepe Teug

Ahmet Yasin Yılmaz – Bu Yöndeki Son İstasyon / Last Station in This Direction / Het Laatste Station in Deze Richting

You can check out related social media shares below:

Facebook: PEN Vlaanderen

Twitter: PEN International

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Önceki / Previous John Perry Barlow: A Declaratıon of the Independence of Cyberspace
Sonraki / Next Dürtü/Impulse/Impuls