As İlkyaz, in our three year publishing life, we’ve been able to bring to light and unite over 300 young writers, reaching nearly 7thousand readers on average a month, translating our main pieces to English so the world has a window into young literature of Turkey.

If you haven’t yet had a chance to read, you can reach the last issue’s writings here.

Don’t forget to check out our new writers under the age of 15  in “15-“,  the archive of stories from everyday lives in “Human Portraits”,  and the collaborative work of young writers and artists at “Literature +

This month’s reading recommendations for young writers comes from renown Turkish writer Barbaros Altuğ!


You can also follow our blog on the main page with food for thought content and our collective music playlist on Spotify



Serdar Abay – En İnce Çizgi / The Thinnest Line

Everyone looked increasingly alike, I was nobody as much as anybody
I was passing through a racing ruckus I didn’t understand
And just when I said I understand my misconceptions of living became uphill tasks
Let nobody waste time without wanting to know this -rage-
What can I do when everything I am aware of
Has besieged me, only what doesn’t kill me can make me laugh
(and I was laughing shamelessly)

About the writer: 

I was born in Istanbul in 1997. I’ve been a licensed boxer for over 10 years with various degrees in tournaments. In periods when sports is not enough for me I leaned towards literature and poetry. Just like sports, arts too became a part of my life. I work as a box trainer in the meantime. I’m a student of Sports Sciences Faculty Trainership department. My poems have been published in magazines and fanzines such as Hayal, Lacivert, Bireylikler, Şehir, Edebiyat Nöbeti, Eliz, KE, Kök
Şiir, Petroleus, Paragraf, Mevzular Derin

I have an instagram account where I post about books, leaving it here for anyone interested: aylakkaadam



Samet Kürşat Yılmaz- TOPAL DELİKANLI HEP GECE YÜRÜRDÜ / The Crippled Youngling Always Walked At Night

Surely our shortcomings show,
When we see dried daffodils,
On the table, in a porcelain vase

About the writer:




Just as Turkey’s capital is Ankara, furniture’s is Siteler. Siteler is a cosmopol-it**** an district sandwiched between two boulevards, where online navigation repeatedly asks “are you sure” before entering.

About the writer: 



Canan Sancak-Miklagard

  Clean water was precious. Both the sellers and locals refused to give him a cup of water. The last valuables he owned were sable fur gloves which he had given to the old boatman who took him ashore. He had given in and listened to the oars crashing into the waves, and stood like a wet stone statue in the mist and restlessly watched the sinking ship.


About the writer: 

She was born on the 11th of September in İzmir. She graduated from Yeditepe University Turkish Language and Literature Department and Pyschology Department. She completed courses on Asian, African and Mediterrenean Languages at Ca’foscari University. She translated archive materials in Venice, from Ottoman to Italian. Her stories have been published in many platfroms and magazines in Turkey.

Her short story Kızıl Su was found noticable in 2021 Yaşar Nabi Nayır awards.




Bunları da Sevebilirsiniz

Biraz sonra anlatacağım hikâyenin kahramanı sizlersiniz. Anneniz, ablanız, kardeşiniz, arkadaşınız, sevgiliniz… Örselenmiş vicdanlarınızın arkasına gizlenerek rol yapmak yerine gözünüzü kulağınızı dört açın ve beni dinleyin. Bu hikaye benim hikâyem, bizim hikâyemiz, kilometrelerce uzaktaki, dünyanın bir diğer ucundaki kadınların hikâyesi. Okuduğunuz her cümlenin sesini sonuna kadar açın ve haksızlık karşısında susmamak için söz verin kendinize.       Elinde tuttuğu kitabın sayfalarında inleyen cılız ses Deniz’in masmavi gözlerinde iri damlalara …


K24, Şerhh Şiir ve Eleştiri Dergisi’nin yedinci sayısının dosya editörü tarafından hazırlanan giriş yazısını tadımlık olarak yayınlıyor. Dosyanın konusu: John Berger. Derginin internet sitesine ve satış noktalarına buradan ulaşabilirsiniz. John Berger’ın yazınsal serüvenini bir çırpıda özetlemek her ne kadar mümkün olmasa da Berger’ın metinlerinin belki de en çarpıcı özelliği okurunu birlikte düşünme pratiğine davet edişiydi. Bu pratiğin en …


Yoksunluk… Ne de garip bir kelime. Eksikliklerinle veya kaybettiklerinle sahip olduğun, bir şeylerden eksildiğin zaman kendine ekleyebildiğin bir kelime. Yoksun… Kaybettiğin vakit kazanabildiğin bir unvan. Yaşadığım yerde herkes bir şeyden yoksundur benim. Mesela karşı apartmandaki Saadet abla, huzurdan, mutluluktan yoksundur. Her gün bağırış kıyamet kopar evlerinden. Gırla kavga gürültü… Her zaman, en az bir yerinde …

Önceki / Previous Topal Delikanlı Hep Gece Yürürdü / The Crippled Youngling Always Walked At Night
Sonraki / Next Miklagard