Source:   I am much too alone in this world, yet not alone     enough to truly consecrate the hour. I am much too small in this world, yet not small     enough to be to you just object and thing, dark and smart. I want my free will and want it accompanying the path which …

Source: Vimeo At the heart of the Syrian civil war, a group of activists created an underground library in the besieged outskirts of Damascus. After years of blockade, they were forced to leave their city. But they managed to save their videos illustrating a unique experiment of cultural resistance under the bombs. This film, built …

Source: Liidea Akryshora, IWM Presidential elections have long been merely pro forma in post-Soviet Belarus, where Alexander Lukashenko has been ruling as a dictator for more than a quarter-century. In May 2020 he imprisoned Sergei Tikhanovskii – an oppositionist YouTube blogger – immediately following Tikhanovskii’s announcement that he intended to run against Lukashenko in the …

Based on this New Yorker piece by Richard Brody. Listed in chronological order and includes short and feature-length documentaries.

İlkyaz ile her sayıda öncelikli olarak üç genç yazarı tanıtıyoruz sizlere. Bir öykü veya birkaç şiirden oluşacak bu eserleri İlkyaz gönüllüleri olarak İngilizce’ye çeviriyor ve dünya kamuoyuyla tanıştırmak için çabalıyoruz. Yeni sayımızın içeriğini aşağıda bulabilirsiniz! Bir seneyi aşkındır seçtiğimiz isimlerin yazılarını her ay dünyanın farklı bir yerinde konumlanan PEN merkezinden birinin o ülkenin diline çevirmesini …

As İlkyaz, we work to introduce three young writers every issue.We translate these works, which are made up of a short stories or poems, into English and endeavour to introduce them to readers outside of Turkey. This exchange, we hope, will create new audiences for our writers in the world arena and introduce them to …

ATİLLA İLHAN, 15 Haziran 1925’te İzmir’in Menemen ilçesinde doğdu. 11 Ekim 2005’te İstanbul’da yaşamını yitirdi. İzmir’de Karşıyaka Cumhuriyet İlkokulu ve Karşıyaka Ortaokulu’nu bitirdi. Atatürk Lisesi’ndeki öğrenciliği sırasında Türk Ceza Kanunu’nun 141. maddesine aykırı davrandığı gerekçesiyle tutuklandı ve okuldan uzaklaştırıldı. Danıştay kararıyla eğitimi sürdürme hakkını kazandı. İstanbul’da Işık Lisesi’nden mezun oldu. İstanbul Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi’ndeki yükseköğrenimini yarıda bıraktı. 6 yıl …

Source: Suyin Haynes, TIME Magazine Khine, an artist based in Yangon, doesn’t think of himself as political. Right now, he says, he’d much rather be creating paintings of imagined scenes. But since Myanmar’s military coup on Feb. 1, he’s been making something different: “counter-propaganda”—posters and stickers meant to inspire civil disobedience and criticize the military junta. …

Source: Mayo Oshin, Medium Several years just flew by and there’s even fewer days left to live for — does it feel like you’re falling further and further behind your goals? Unfinished and half-baked work, mindless wasteful time spent on the internet and never following through on what you set out to do everyday. It’s …